DOST-Caraga received int’l. certification from ISO
By: Robert E. Roperos
BUTUAN CITY (16 April) – The Regional Office of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) here in Caraga received international certification from International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in a ceremony held on Thursday, April 15, 2010 at DOST-Caraga Function Hall, Caraga State University (CSU) Campus, Barangay Ampayon, this city.

During the presentation of rationale of the ISO, Prof. Dominga D. Mallonga, DOST-Caraga Assistant Regional Director for Technical Operations and Quality Management Representative pointed out the benefits that an organization or business firm can get from the implementation of ISO.
According to Dir. Mallonga, the ISO 9000 standards give organizations an opportunity to increase value to their activities and to improve their performance continually, by focusing on their major processes. The standards place great emphasis on making quality management systems closer to the processes of organizations and on continual improvement. As a result, they direct users to the achievement of business results, including the satisfaction of customers and other interested parties.
To be specific, benefits of a quality management system include: (1) provides guidance for achieving and enhancing customer satisfaction; (2) helps achieve process improvements; (3) organization’s operations are orderly, stable, systematic and productive; (4) organization’s purpose is clear at all levels; (5) provides a meaningful framework for developing and achieving continued growth of organization and its people; (6) improves organizational effectiveness and efficiency in meeting performance objectives; (7) raises productivity and competitiveness; (8) strengthens team work and customer orientation within organization; (9) raises customer confidence in supplier’s capability to consistently provide conforming products and services and; (10) guides organization to effectively plan the continual improvements to its operations that can enhance customer satisfaction.
DOST-Caraga received the ISO 9001:2008 certification from Certification International Philippines, Inc. (CIPI) Managing Director – Mr. Renato Navarrete. ISO 9001 is a quality management standard. It applies to all types of organizations. It doesn't matter what size they are or what they do. It can help both product and service organizations achieve standards of quality that are recognized and respected throughout the world.
Part of the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management general requirements are as follows: (1) develop the organization’s quality management system (QMS) and; (2) document the organization’s QMS.
Meanwhile, management requirements enumerated six points, and that, every member of the organization must: (1) show commitment to quality; (2) focus attention to customers/clients; (3) support quality policy; (4) carry out QMS planning; (5) allocate QMS responsibility and authority and; (6) perform QMS management reviews.
For resource requirements, the organization must provide required QMS resources, competent QMS personnel, necessary infrastructure, and suitable work environment.
As to the realization requirements, an organization certified by ISO 9001:2008 should control product realization planning, control customer-related processes, control product design and development, control purchasing and purchased products, control production and service provision, and control monitoring and measuring equipment.
Finally, among the composition of the remedial requirements are to establish monitoring and measurement process, carry out monitoring and measurement activities, identify and control non-conforming products, collect and analyze quality management data, and make improvements and take remedial actions.
With the international certification received by DOST-Caraga, Dr. Danilo Pilar, ISO Project Leader of DOST Metals Industry Research and Development Center (MIRDC) said, all regional offices of DOST nationwide are already ISO certified, adhering to Executive Order 605 institutionalizing the structure, mechanisms and standards to implement the government quality management program, amending for the purpose Administrative Order No. 161, series of 2006.
The law, signed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on February 23, 2007, aimed to promote and enhance public sector performance through the adoption of ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Systems in all agencies of government. It also develops an institutional infrastructure that shall provide certification with international accreditation.
The law also establishes the citizen’s charter of key government offices that shall be provided to the transacting public as government’s manifestation of service guarantee, and recognize citizen-driven government organizations that have attained ISO 9001:2000 certification for other government agencies to emulate.
Aside from the regional office, all provincial offices of DOST-Caraga also received the said certification from Dir. Navarrete. (PIA-Caraga)
FSUU Policy Center, PPCRV set candidates’ forum
By: Robert E. Roperos
BUTUAN CITY (16 April) – To serve as venue in assisting the decision-making process of the voting public here, the Policy Center of Father Saturnino Urios University (FSUU) and the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) will conduct a candidates’ forum on Wednesday, April 21, 2010 at FSUU Gym.
The forum will be divided into three segments. The first segment will give the congressional candidates the chance to have their opening speeches for 10 minutes. Second segment will be allocated for the mayoralty candidates.
The order of the speakers shall be drawn by lot before the forum starts. The last segment will be the Summation to be made by Prof. Alma Eleazar of FSUU who will be the forum’s moderator.
During the question and answer portion, each candidate will draw from the box the name of the panelist who shall ask him/her the question. A follow-up query may be posed by the same panelist or by one of the other panelists to the same candidate.
Each candidate is given three minutes to address every question. Thirty (30) seconds before the allotted time, a warning is given to the speaker. If and when the candidate exceeds the time, his/her speech will be overridden with music.
After all the candidates have responded to individual questions by the panelists, one final question will be addressed to all the candidates by a panelist who (preferably) has not posed a query or interjected in the preceding question and answer segment. The candidates are given three minutes to answer the question.
Finally, when the panel exchange is done with, each candidate will be allowed to speak for three (3) minutes for his or her “parting shots”.
Among the panelists of the forum include: Bishop Zacarias Jimenez of Sto. NiΓ±o Mindanao Shrine Parish in Libertad, Butuan City; Dr. Joy Yamson of FSUU; Mr. Omar Andaya of Green Bank of Caraga; Dr. Asuncion C. Ato; Engr. Epimaco M. Galero, Jr, Chief Executive Officer of McVil Global Network Philippines and; Mr. Butz Ozarraga. (PIA-Caraga)