PSA Caraga to hold FIES 2018 Visit 2
Jennifer P. Gaitano
CITY, Jan. 9 (PIA) - The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) – Regional
Statistical Services Office Caraga will conduct the 2018 Family Income and
Expenditure Survey (FIES 2018) Visit 2, with around 7,920 eligible sample
households, deemed sufficient to provide provincial level estimates. Data
collection for FIES Visit 2 will start on January 9, 2019.
313 Statistical Researchers and Field Personnel will be involved in the conduct
of the FIES 2018 Visit 2 in the region.
to PSA Caraga Regional Director Rosalinda Celeste-Apura, the FIES 2018 will be
conducted twice. The first visit was conducted last July 2018 with the first
semester, January to June 2018 as the reference period. The second visit will
be conducted in January 2019 with the second semester, July to December 2018 as
the reference period. “The same set of questions is asked to the eligible
sample households for both visits,” she said.
relayed that the FIES is a nationwide survey of households undertaken every
three years. “It is the main source of data on family income and expenditure,
which include among others, levels of consumption by item of expenditure as
well as sources of income in cash and in kind,” she explained.
lady director added that the results of FIES provide information on the levels
of living and disparities in income of Filipino families, as well as their
spending patterns; provide benchmark information to update the weights used in
the estimation of Consumer Price Index (CPI); and to provide inputs in the
estimation of the country’s poverty threshold and incidence.
With this development, the PSA
encourages everyone, especially the selected sample households to support and
cooperate in the conduct of the FIES 2018 Visit 2. (JPG/PIA-Caraga)