
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Caraga beefs up security for Undas 2019 

By Jennifer P. Gaitano

BUTUAN CITY, Oct. 31 (PIA) - The “Task Force Undas” led by the Philippine National Police and other government agencies has intensified security measures to ensure safe and secure observance of the All Saints Day and All Souls Day in Caraga region.

Based on the record of the Police Regional Office (PRO)-13, more than 200,000 individuals are expected to visit different cemeteries in Caraga region this All Saints Day.

According to Police Brigadier General Joselito Esquivel Jr., regional director of PRO-13, more than 4,000 PNP personnel were deployed to some 194 cemeteries, including airports, seaports, and bus terminals.

Public assistance desks are also in place, ready to help the locals.

Esquivel asked the public for their support and cooperation, and to follow the rule of the law in order to attain a peaceful observance of the All Saints Day and All Souls Day.

“Don’t bring sharp objects, firearm, sound system and other items that would disrupt the peaceful observance this All Saints Day in the cemeteries. Let us help maintain peace and order in our region,” said Esquivel.

The official also said that they have intensified their checkpoint operations, and have caught individuals violating several laws.

“We have additional checkpoints from the regular areas where checkpoints are conducted to ensure that no lawless elements could cause harm to other people, hence, keeping our locals safe and secure,” Esquivel added.

Meanwhile, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Caraga also implements tighter security measures for passengers. According to PCG station commander Lawrence Roque, since October 26 of this year, they have been keen in inspecting the passengers and their belongings.

The PCG through its coast guard K9 also conducts regular random checks to ensure safe and comfy sea travel of passengers.

It also ensures that no boat or shipping vessel would carry passengers beyond limitation, to prevent any untoward incident. (JPG/PIA-Caraga)

PCOO chief launches 'radio rehab' in Butuan

By Jennifer P. Gaitano

BUTUAN CITY, Oct. 31 (PIA) - In time with his visit and media engagement here, Secretary Martin Andanar of the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) has turned-over the new broadcast equipment to Radio Pilipinas (RP) Butuan as part of the “Radio Rehab” program.

These equipment were donated by the People’s Republic of China, with the aim to rehabilitate the government’s radio station in the different parts of the country.

The PCOO targets to enhance the quality of select government radio stations under the Philippine Broadcasting Service (PBS).

Secretary Andanar said there are 10 stations targeted to be rehabilitated in the country. “Apart from Butuan City, China has also donated radio broadcast equipment worth more than P100 million, which will be installed in the government’s radio stations in Cagayan de Oro City, Davao City, Cebu City, Tawi-Tawi, and Bataan,” he cited.

The secretary added that the Philippine government welcomes any donation from other countries that want to help the Philippines in strengthening its information dissemination capability with radio as a platform.  

“Whatever is donated to the Philippines, whether it’s from China, Japan or United States, United Kingdom, it is welcome. If the United States is willing to give also, then we welcome it with open arms,” said Andanar.

Meanwhile, Maria Lourdes Apego, station manager of dxBN-Radyo Pilipinas Butuan assured that with the newly installed equipment, their station would have better service and improved news delivery to the listening public.

“PBS and Radyo Pilipinas Butuan are extremely grateful to our Secretary Martin Andanar, as well as the Chinese government through Ambassador Zhao. We’re going full throttle in the implementation of new programs of dxBN,” said Apego. (JPG/PIA-Caraga)

BSP intensifies Piso Caravan in Caraga

By Jennifer P. Gaitano

BUTUAN CITY, Oct. 31 (PIA) - The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)-Butuan City branch has intensified the conduct of Piso Caravan in the different provinces of Caraga region.

This is to give opportunity and convenience to the locals to exchange their old and mutilated banknotes and coins with new ones.

According to Glizriel Rose Quijada, bank officer II of BSP Butuan City branch, many of the Caraganons are still not aware that there is a regular free service in the bank wherein they could directly exchange their old banknotes and coins.

This is why the BSP also reaches out to the public in the different provinces to promote the integrity of Philippine money by using clean and fit notes and coins.

“This Piso Caravan is a one-time activity to inform the public that we have a regular banking service, wherein people could exchange their old banknotes and coins to a new one. In day to day financial transaction, we should use clean and fit notes and coins for easy identification of genuine versus counterfeited money. In this way, we could also prevent different diseases caused by bacteria from the money being circulated,” said Quijada.

Local residents were also delighted to have availed the services of BSP which make it more convenient for them to exchange notes.

“We’ve heard about the Piso Caravan, that’s why we immediately went to the venue to have our old notes exchanged with the new banknotes and coins. Stores no longer accept money that is old and mutilated,” said Helen Celana.

Quijada also stressed the importance of the responsible use of money and maintaining its integrity.

“There is really a need to increase public awareness that the banks provide regular service to the people in the day to day financial transactions, which include exchanging of old notes to new ones,” Quijada added.

Quijada added that there are corresponding penalties for those who will be caught violating the provision of the law on the right use of banknotes and coins.

Meanwhile, the BSP Butuan branch has also scheduled in the coming months a Piso Caravan in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur and Surigao City. (JPG/PIA-Caraga)

President Duterte appoints Agusan Norte guv as new Caraga RDC chair

By Nora L. Molde

BUTUAN CITY, Oct. 31 (PIA) -- Governor Dale B. Corvera of the province of Agusan del Norte has been appointed by President Rodrigo Duterte as the Caraga Regional Development Council (RDC) Chairperson for the 2019-2022 term of office.

“Holding such a significant position in Agusan del Norte and in the Region has equipped our new Caraga RDC Chairperson with strong capacity in setting strategic directions in the areas of good governance, public accountability, program and project management, peace promotion and policy formulation, to name a few," said Atty. Bonifacio Uy, Regional Director of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Caraga and Vice Chairperson, RDC Caraga.

Corvera has vast experiences as a public service official in the province of Agusan del Norte and was a former RDC-Development Administration Committee (RDC-DAC) chairperson, Uy said.

Corvera expressed gratitude to President Duterte for the trust given to him. "Thank you so much President Rodrigo Roa Duterte for your trust and confidence in my capacity to lead in the development efforts of our Region," Corvera said.

Corvera succeeded former RDC chair and Surigao del Norte Governor Sol Matugas.

The RDC is the highest policy-making body in the region and serves as the counterpart of the NEDA Board at the subnational level, it is the primary institution that coordinates and sets the direction of all economic and social development efforts in the region. It also serves as a forum where local efforts can be related and integrated with national development initiatives.

The RDC was created whose main concern is the overall socio-economic development of the region. (NCLM/PIA Agusan del Norte)

SurSur FRs surrender firearms; receive cash assistance from gov't

By Jennifer P. Gaitano

BUTUAN CITY, Oct. 31 (PIA) - More than 40 former rebels (FRs) from the New People’s Army (NPA) surrendered their firearms as part of their commitment to support the government towards sustainable peace and development.

This was in time with the conduct of the 3rd Caraga Regional Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (RTF-ELCAC) held in Tandag City, which was witnessed by Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles, together with other officials.

These former rebels vowed to fully support the government and to live peacefully in their respective communities.

Each of them received financial assistance and firearms remuneration with a total amount of P1.6-million.

They all expressed their gratitude to the government for the assistance extended to them.

“I’m happy that they (government) still accepted us despite our mistakes for joining the NPAs with the wrong ideology. We also thanked them for giving us livelihood assistance,” a former rebel from Bislig City said.

“We chose to surrender to the government’s fold because we knew and realized that joining the NPA does nothing good for us,” added former rebel from Bunawan, Agusan del Sur.

CabSec. Nograles also thanked the FRs as they voluntarily surrendered. He stressed that the government is serious in implementing Executive Order 70 of President Rodrigo Duterte.

“This battle against the local communist armed conflict is a whole-of-nation approach. All sectors from the national down to the local levels are united in doing different strategies to solve the insurgency,” cited Nograles.

Meanwhile, Surigao del Sur Governor Alexander Pimentel also assured that the locals would continue to experience the services from various government agencies through the conduct of Serbisyo Caravan and immersion in the areas affected by insurgency. 

This is to show the local populace that the government is sincere in addressing their basic needs. (JPG/PIA-Caraga)

36 Butuan SK chairpersons complete basic citizen’s military training

By John Charles E. Malazarte

BUTUAN CITY, Oct. 31 (PIA) - Some 36 Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) chairpersons in this city are now among the enlisted army reservists after passing the Basic Citizens Military Training under the 15th Regional Community Defense Group, Army Reserve Command, which was also in time with the conduct of the three-day 1st SK Butuan City Leadership Development Training held recently in Brgy. Alubihid, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte.

The program was aimed to enhance the leadership and organizational skills of the youth particularly the SK chairpersons, as they have the potential to become future political leaders of the country.

This also forms part of the government's initiative to help the youth by keeping them involved in nation-building, as they play a vital role in curbing the insurgency problem in the region, and preventing them from being lured and recruited by the New People’s Army (NPA) rebels.

According to Engr. Wen Kok Chiang, SK Federation president of Butuan City, the SK officials are considered as duty-bearers, hence, they should serve as a good example of being a leader to other youths and should give their best in serving the people.

He also encouraged other youths to be vigilant not to be recruited and exploited by the communist NPA group. “Let us support the Duterte administration in its fight against criminality and insurgency. We, as youths have a big role to play in our society. Let’s be responsible citizens of this country,” he said.

Chiang further emphasized that the Philippine Army is always ready to protect the nation, and they deserve people’s trust and confidence.

Brigadier General Maurito Licudine, commander of 402nd Brigade, Philippine Army also underlined the value of capacitating the youth with the leadership skills and enhancing their capabilities. He hopes that more youths would volunteer themselves and become part of the said training. (JCM/JPG/PIA-Caraga)

Over 400 youths join Junior Police Boot Camp in Butuan City

By Jennifer P. Gaitano

BUTUAN CITY, Oct. 31 (PIA) -- As part of the Philippine National Police’s (PNP) effort in promoting the whole-of-nation approach in solving local communist armed conflict, the agency has gathered more than 400 youths from 31 national high schools in this city and involved them in the three-day Junior Police Boot Camp 2019 from October 23-25, 2019 held at Taligaman National High School.

The PNP personnel inculcated in the minds of the youths the importance of being disciplined and responsible and keeping the spirit of volunteerism.

With the conduct of such activity, the PNP and Philippine Army believe that the young people would not be easily deceived and recruited by the communist terrorist groups.

Ivan Pepito was delighted to be among the participating individuals and considered it a great opportunity of learning a lot from the resource persons and facilitators. He stressed that causing fear and chaos to the communities would not help any country to progress.

“We should be able to take this activity as part of our training, for us to become better citizens and proactive youths in our respective communities,” said Pepito.

Wenna Joy Culibra also reminded her peers not to support and join the terrorist NPA group, as it would only cause them harm and destroy their lives.

She said the youths should give an account of the sacrifices of their parents in raising them well and providing their needs.

“We should never allow ourselves to be fooled by the programs and ideology of the NPAs because all of these are not real,” added Culibra.

According to Police Colonel Albert Magno, city director of Butuan City Police Office (BCPO), the Junior Police Boot Camp is just one of the many significant initiatives of their office in curbing the insurgency problem.

The official added that this forms part of the implementation of the Executive Order 70 of President Rodrigo Duterte, with the aim to achieve lasting peace and development in the country.

“This would help the youths become responsible especially in their decisions and plans in life. The PNP would continue to mold them so they become agents of change in the society,” Magno said.

Meanwhile, the participating youths also expressed their support to the government through a pledge of commitment in its fight against illegal drugs and terrorism. (JPG/PIA-Caraga)

Butuan's tablea among the country’s best

By Vanessa P. Sanchez

A cacao grower and tablea maker from Butuan made a mark at the Kakao Konek 2019 after his tablea was chosen as one of the winners in the Top Five Best Tablea Drink contest.

Restituto Asube, Chairman of the Taguibo Coconut Farmers’ Association was among the region’s delegates to the Kakao Konek in Davao City on October 17 & 18. He has been into cacao farming since February 2016 and started to engage in tablea making last year. He also practices fermentation of his cacao beans for better quality.

“You earn more if you process your product that is why I process my cacao beans into tablea,” Asube said.

 Asube’s tablea was chosen among 38 other entries from all over the country.

The contest was among the highlight of activities at the biggest event of the cacao and chocolate industry. The tablea drink contest was open to all local tablea makers in the country who have not won any international awards. Participants were required to submit ½ kilo of 100% dark chocolate (tablea) which was prepared into tablea drink by a technical team during the contest. Chocolate and tablea experts served as judges of the contest.

The Kakao Konek is an annual event wherein cacao and chocolate industry stakeholders converge to get updates on cacao production and processing technologies and strategies.
The event also serves as a venue for market matching among the cacao value chain key players.

Cacao Industry Development Authority of Mindanao Inc. Chairman Valente Turtur said that cacao growers should aim for 2 kg/tree/year production. He added that high productivity starts with using quality seedlings. He also cited the importance of producing quality beans and cocoa products to help boost the country’s cacao industry.

As per data from the Philippine Statistics Authority, the country’s cacao bean production in 2018 was 7,983 MT with Caraga producing 114.49 MT. Under the 2022 Cacao Challenge, the goal is to produce 100,000 MT of fermented beans by the year 2022 for the domestic and international markets.

In Caraga, the Department of Agriculture continues to provide interventions to cacao farmers including planting materials, fertilizers, postharvest machinery, and technical assistance. (DA Caraga/PIA Caraga)

ARBs grateful to TESDA for obtaining National Certificates

By Robert E. Roperos

BUTUAN CITY, Oct. 30 -- Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) are grateful to Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) for the free trainings they have availed and eventually, obtained National Certificates (NCs).

The development came after those ARBs who have passed the assessment in the different qualifications from Caraga Region were invited during the Regional Orientation-cum-Workshop of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)-TESDA Convergence on Skills Training for ARBs/ARB Households Project held recently in one of the local convention centers here.

Amy Rabina of Brgy. Los Angeles, this city is a member of the Butuan-Agusan Farmer’s Multipurpose Cooperative (BAFMPC). She admitted that since she is an undergraduate in College taking up Bachelor in Secondary Education, at first, she is hesitant to undergo training in Bookkeeping NC III considering that she has no background in Accounting.

However, she said because of the commitment and dedication of her trainer from Le’ Ophir Learning School, Inc. here, she was able to comprehend all the theories that were taught to them. “That’s the reason why I passed the assessment and now, I am already an NC III holder of Bookkeeping,” said teary-eyed Rabina.

Rabina added that with her national certificate in Bookkeeping, she is optimistic that she will be hired as the bookkeeper of BAFMPC.

Meanwhile, Welnard Arabis of Purok 17, Sta. Irene, Agusan del Sur expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to TESDA for the opportunity given to him as one of the scholars of Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP). He took up Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC II and passed the assessment.

“I am very much grateful for the opportunity given to me by TESDA… The knowledge that I have obtained from my training would be beneficial to me and my family since right now, I am absorbed by SM Corporation… I am a welder at SM City Butuan where the construction is on-going… After the mall will be constructed sometime by February next year, we were already informed that they will still hire our services because there will be construction of SM malls in other parts of the country by next year,” he said.

He added that the SM Construction is giving priority to those skilled workers who are already certified by TESDA… “Iba talaga pag NC holder ka, angat ka talaga sa lahat,” Rabina said.

With the success that these TESDA graduates have achieved, this is again another proof that indeed, TESDA has already transformed their lives and become productive citizens of the country… Talagang sa TESDA, Abot ang Lahat!

It can be recalled that on August 8, 2019, TESDA has entered a Memorandum of Agreement with DAR to provide skills training for ARBs/ARB Households. (TESDA Agusan del Norte/PIA Agusan del Norte)

DTI continues to help MSMEs in Caraga

By Jennifer P. Gaitano

BUTUAN CITY, Oct. 31 (PIA) - The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) continues to help the micro, small and medium entrepreneurs (MSMEs) in their businesses, especially those who have just started to venture.

This is through the DTI’s Kapatid Mentor Me (KMME) program, wherein the department hopes that trainees would use this as a tool for them to excel in their business endeavor.

Jessica Odvina is among the first batch of trainees under the KMME program, who is also already known as the “Guyabano Queen,” not only in Butuan City, but also in other parts of the region.

“When I started in KMME, I realized that I would have better opportunities because I met new people and friends from the business sector. I was inspired to do better and with perseverance, I continue to enhance my product and make the business grow,” Odvina said.

As an entrepreneur, Odvina stressed the importance of possessing good character, positive outlook in life and being honest to the customers to increase patronage and ensure business growth and marketability.

She added, that the KMME trainees should have determination and to love their chosen business, considering that this is a big opportunity for them to become a successful entrepreneurs.

According to DTI-Agusan del Norte provincial director Brenda Corvera, the KMME program aims to help the MSMEs to step-up their businesses by providing them free lectures and mentoring/coaching sessions to be discussed by business owners/ local kapatid mentors on different functional areas of entrepreneurship.

“We’re hoping that from all their learnings, they could scale up their businesses. So, if they scale up, they’ll be able to employ other people and they’ll be able to invest more so in a way, we will grow the MSME sector,” bared Corvera.

Meanwhile, Corvera also called on other business enthusiasts not to be hesitant and directly visit the nearest Negosyo Centers in their area for any assistance from DTI. (JPG/PIA-Caraga)

TESDA Agusan Norte conducts training induction programs

By Robert E. Roperos

BUTUAN CITY, Oct. 31 -- In its effort to inform the trainees on the background of the agency as well as their duties and responsibilities as scholars, the provincial office of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) in Agusan del Norte recently conducted series of Training Induction Programs (TIPs).

Recently, the Training Induction Program (TIP) for Tsuper Scholars in Brgy. Bayanihan here was conducted. TESDA-Agusan del Norte former Provincial Director Dr. Julius Sol O. Jamero pointed out that under the "Tsuper Scholarship Program," drivers affected by the PUV Modernization Program of the national government will be trained by TESDA to develop their skills.

The 2nd Batch which is composed of drivers in different municipalities of the province will be trained in Driving NC II at the Northern Mindanao School of Fisheries (NMSF) for 15 days.

Also, a total of 25 scholars under the Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) recently attended the Training Induction Program (TIP) of Visual Graphics Design (VGD) NC III at Father Urios Institute of Technology (FrUIT) in Brgy. Ampayon, this city.

In his message, Dir. Jamero underscored the importance of training. He reminded the scholars to take the training seriously so that they will pass the mandatory assessment and receive the National Certificate.

Further, the provincial office recently conducted a Training Induction Program (TIP) at EM Nature Farms in Barangay Dulag here under the Training for Work Scholarship Program (TWSP) for 2019 in the Produce Organic Vegetables Leading to Organic Agriculture Production NC II. Under the program, a total of 20 slots are being allocated.

Furthermore, some 25 female inmates or Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL) of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)-Butuan City recently attended the Training Induction Program (TIP).

TESD Specialist II and Scholarship Focal Sherly B. Ceniza presented the profile of TESDA to let the inmates know the basic information of the agency. They were also informed on the benefits that they can avail after finishing the training in Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) NC I as well as the different Scholarship Programs that TESDA is offering.

Meanwhile, Buenafe G. Enaya, Supervising TESD Specialist of TESDA Agusan del Norte inspires the participants of the CBTP (Drug Surrenderees) of Cluster Camagong, Aclan, Amontay and Sta. Ana on TESDA's scholarship program during their session held recently at Brgy. Sta. Ana, Nasipit, Agusan del Norte.

In a related development, TESDA-Agusan del Norte, in partnership with Philippine Army's 23rd and 29th Infantry Battalions and the Provincial Social Welfare and Development (PSWD) Office of Agusan del Norte conduct and Opening Program today, October 28, 2019 for recipients of Special Training for Employment (STEP) Scholarship for Special Clients at the 23rd IB Camp, Brgy. Alubihid, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte. A total of 25 former rebels (FRs) will undergo the TESDA Skills Training Program on Automotive Servicing NC I that will run for 23 days. The training will start on Sunday, November 3, 2019.

The recent developments show a clear manifestation that TESDA-Agusan del Norte is at its forefront in implementing the mandates and programs of the agency to provide free skills trainings to Filipino people from all walks of life. (TESDA Agusan del Norte/PIA Agusan del Norte)

SurSur farmers to start raising native chicken for business

By Rhea C. Abao

TANDAG CITY, Surigao del Sur, Oct. 31 -- Raising native chicken is considered by the farmers in Barangay Cancavan, Carmen Surigao del Sur a feasible enterprise to augment their monthly income.

“The income that we earn from planting crops and fishing is not enough to supply our daily needs. We need to have an alternative source of income to support our families,” said Rosalie Birador, member of Barangay Cancavan Corn Growers Association.

Rosalie has five children, she works at the Barangay as a Kagawad where she takes home 4,500 a month. Her husband, a fisherman also earns 1,800 2,400 a month. All of her children and four grandchildren are still dependent on them.

For a family earning below 7,000 a month, daily living is a struggle.

According to the Philippine Statistics Authority 2015 data, a family of five needs 9,064 every month to meet both basic food and nonfood needs.

To provide an additional good source of income to Rosalie and his fellow members, the Department of Agriculture-Caraga (DA-Caraga) through the Special Area for Agricultural Development (SAAD) Program recently turned-over the native chicken production project to the association with a total worth of 380,362.

As a start, the 29-member association underwent training on native chicken production to ensure readiness and equip them in managing the intervention properly.

After they completed the training, they received one unit of poultry house, 90 heads of native chicken, and feed support for two production cycles.

“DA-SAAD Caraga supports the farmers, particularly to families with limited resources. The participants are pre-identified by the Area Coordinators assigned in the municipality,” said DA-SAAD Caraga Deputy Program Coordinator Roberto Hipolao, Jr.

The purpose of raising native chickens is to provide the group an additional income at the same time a good source for protein for each household. Chicken raising is a feasible livelihood for them because of the small investment and short time to income, Hipolao added.

“We are now excited to make our time more productive through the intervention we have received from DA-SAAD Caraga. We will do our share for the sustainability of this project,” said Rosalie Birador.

The association is projected to get income from selling dressed chicken and eggs in their locality and sooner within the CARCANMADCARLAN (Carrascal, Cantilan, Madrid, Carmen, and Lanuza) areas. (DA-Caraga RAFIS/PIA Surigao del Sur)

Mga negosyante, hinimok na maging porsegido sa kanilang negosyo

By Jennifer P. Gaitano

LUNGSOD NG BUTUAN, Oktubre 31 (PIA) -- Patuloy ang pagtulong ng Department of Trade And Industry (DTI) sa mga kababayang may negosyo o nais magnegosyo.

Ito ay sa pamamagitan ng kanilang Kapatid Mentor Me (KMME) program kung saan umaasa ang DTI na magagamit ng trainees ang kanilang pagsasanay para sa kani-kanilang mga negosyo.

Isa si Jessica Odvina sa unang batch ng KMME program na ngayon ay kilala na bilang “Guyabano Queen” hindi lang sa Butuan City, kundi pati na sa ibang probinsiya dahil tagumpay na narating ng kanyang produkto.

“Marami akong natutunan at naisip ko na malawak pala ang mundo na dadayuhin ko kasama ng aking mga produkto,” pahayag ni Odvina.

Bilang isang entreprenuer, binigyang-diin ni Odvina ang pagiging tapat sa mga kleyente o customers upang patuloy na tangkilikin sa binibentang produkto at para mas lalo pa itong makilala sa ibang lugar.

Dagdag pa niya, kailangang maging determinado at porsigido ang trainees ng KMME sa kanilang mga negosyo lalo na at malaking oportunidad ito para makamit ang inaasam na tagumpay.

“Ang dami ko ring pinagdaanan. Sa katunayan, naglalako lang ako sa daan at walang nakakapagkilala sa akin pero sa tagal ng panahon, nagkaroon ako ng trade mark bilang Guyabano Queen ng Caraga. At na-inspired naman ako na magpatuloy sa buhay at tangkilikin at bigyan ng inspirasyon yung mga nagsisimula palang na huwag mawalan ng pagasa kasi habang may buhay as long na nagsisikap ka, may tiyaga ka magtatagumpay ka,” sabi ni Odvina.

Ayon kay DTI-Agusan del Norte provincial director Brenda Corvera, layon ng KMME program na matulungan ang mga micro, small and medium entrepreneurs na paunlarin ang kanilang negosyo sa pamamagitan ng coaching and mentoring  na isinasagawa sa negosyo centers sa buong rehiyon ng bansa.

“Umaasa kami na sa lahat ng kanilang natutunan ay magamit nila ito sa pagpapalago ng kani-kanilang mga negosyo. Kasi pag lumago yung negosyo nila, mas marami din silang mabibigyan ng trabaho at marami na ding mag-iinvest,” dagdag ni Corvera.

Hinikayat din ni Corvera ang iba pa na huwag magdalawang isip na komunsulta at humingi ng tulong sa pinakamalapit na Negosyo Center ng DTI sa kanilang lugar upang maibigay din ang serbisyo sa kanila. (JPG/PIA-Caraga)

Mga drivers sa Butuan City, boluntaryong sumailalim sa drug test 

By Jennifer P. Gaitano

LUNGSOD NG BUTUAN, Oktubre 31 (PIA) -- Ala-sais palang ng umaga nitong Lunes, handa na ang mga tauhan ng Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) Caraga sa Langihan Bus Terminal para isailalim sa drug test ang mga drayber at konduktor.

Buo naman ang kooperasyon ng mga ito maging ang mga pasahero lalo na at layon nitong tiyakin na ligtas at maayos ang mga biyahe para sa Undas.

“Sang-ayon po kami sa isinasagawa ng PDEA upang malaman at matukoy talaga kung sino sa mga drivers ang nagbibisyo at gumagamit ng illegal na droga,” sabi ni Arnold Cucharo, bus driver.

“Alam naman po naming na maganda po ang intension ng PDEA sa pagsagawa ng surprise drug test at ito’y para mas masigurong ligtas ang mga pasaherong bumabiyahe,” sabi ni Sostenes Lomayog, bus driver.

Bagamat nagmamadali sa biyahe, sumuporta naman ang mga pasahero sa mga draybers at konduktor na sumailalim sa drug test. “Mas mabuti na rin yan nang malaman natin sinu-sino yung mga draybers na lumalabag sa batas,” sabi ni Gilmarie Sedon.

Ayon kay Dindo Abellanosa, regional information officer ng PDEA-Caraga, may isang drayber at isang konduktor ang nag-positibo sa initial test.

Bagamat isasailalim pa sa confirmatory test, dadaan pa rin ito sa counseling at rehabilitation.

Naka-hold na rin ang lisensya nito sa Land Transportation Office (LTO) para hindi muna makapagmaneho.

“Layon ng ahensiya na matulungan ang mga draybers na sangkot sa illegal na droga na sila’y ma-counsel at ma-rehabilitate. At masigurong ligtas ang mga pasahero sa pagbiyahe,” pahayag ni Abellanosa.

Binigyang-diin din niya na magpapatuloy ang pagsasagawa ng Oplan Harabas o surprise drug test.

Sinabi pa ni Abellanosa na hawak ng mga drayber ang kaligtasan ng kanilang mga pasahero kaya't mainam na matiyak na wala ang mga ito sa impluwensya ng iligal na droga at nasa maayos na kondisyon habang nagmamaneho. (JPG/PIA-Caraga)

Mahigit 400 kabataan nakilahok sa Junior Police Boot Camp 2019 sa Butuan

By Mariesh F. Celedeña

LUNGSOD NG BUTUAN, Oktubre 31 (PIA) - Mahigit 400 kabataan mula sa 31 national high schools dito sa lungsod ang lumahok sa ginanap na tatlong araw na Junior Police Boot Camp 2019.

Dito ay tinuruan sila na maging responsable at disiplinadong kabataan na may kredibilidad at laging handang tumulong sa mga nangangailangan.

Sa pamamagitan nito, naniniwala ang pambansang pulisya at militar na hindi madaling mahikayat ang mga kabataan na sumanib sa makakaliwang grupo.

Masaya si Ivan Pepito dahil kabilang siya sa mga estudyante na nabigyan ng oportunidad na makalahok sa nasabing aktibidad. Mahalaga ito upang matauhan ang mga kabataan na hindi solusyon ang terrorismo upang umunlad ang ating bansa.

“Sana ay isapuso at isagawa ng mga kapwa ko kabataan ang aming natutunan sa aktibidad na ito. Makatutulong ito upang kami’y mas lalo pang maging responsable at kapaki-pakinabang sa komunidad,” pahayag ni Pepito.

Pinaalalahanan naman ni Wenna Joy Culibra ang kapwa niya mga mag-aaral na huwag silang magpadala, magpalinlang at sumanib sa mga teroristang grupo. Alalahanin din sana ng mga kabataan ang pagsisikap at pagmamahal sa kanila ng kanilang mga magulang.

“Huwag po tayong magpalinlang sa mga NPA dahil ang kanilang mga programa at ideyolihiya ay mali at walang katotohanan,” sabi ni Culibra.

Ayon naman kay Police Colonel Albert Magno, ang city director ng Butuan City Police Office, bahagi ang aktibidad na ito sa kanilang mga inisyatibo upang masolusyonan ang problema sa insurhensya.

Malaking parte ito sa implementasyon ng Executive Order 70 ni Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte upang makamtan ang pang-matagalang kapayapaan sa bansa. 

Nasaksihan din ang isinagawang pledge of commitment ng mga kabataan kontra ilegal na droga at terorismo. (JPG/PIA-Caraga)

Task Force Undas, mas pinaigting ang seguridad sa Caraga

By Jennifer P. Gaitano

LUNGOD NG BUTUAN, Oktubre 31 (PIA) - Mas pinaigting pa ng “Task Force Undas” sa pangunguna ng Philippine National Police (PNP) Caraga at iba pang ahensta ng gobyerno ang hakbang para tiyaking ligtas ang paggunita ng publiko sa undas.

Batay sa tala ng Police Regional Office-13, mahigit 2,000 katao ang inaasahang dadagsa sa mga sementeryo sa rehiyon ngayong undas.

Ayon kay Police Brigadier General Joselito Esquivel Jr., regional director ng PNP Caraga, may mahigit 4,000 na pulis na ang idineploy sa isang 194 na sementeryo, maging sa airports, seaports, at mga terminal ng bus.

May itinalaga rin na Public Assistance Desks sa mga sementeryo na handang magbigay serbisyo.

Pakiusap naman ni Esquivel sa publiko, sumunod sa mga patakaran upang maging payapa at tahimik ang pagunita ng undas.

“Huwag magdala ng mga matutulis na bagay, baril, sound system at iba pang ipinagbabawal sa inyong pagpunta sa mga sementeryo ngayong undas. Umaasa kami sa inyong suporta at kooperasyon upang maging maayos at ligtas ang lahat,” pahayag ni Esquivel.

Sinabi rin ng opisyal na mas pinaigting rin ang PNP checkpoints, kung saan may ilan na ring indibidwal ang nahuli dahil sa paglabag sa batas.

Nagpapatupad rin ang Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Caraga ng istriktong seguridad para sa undas. Ayon kay PCG station commander Lawrence Roque, simula nuong Oktubre 26, 2019 ay puspusan na ang kanilang inspeksyon sa mga pasahero at kanilang mga bagahe.

Gumagawa din ng regular random checks ang coast guard K9 para sa maayos, ligtas at komportableng biyahe sa karagatan.

Tinitiyak ng PCG na walang mga sasakyang pandagat ang mag-o-overload o sosobra sa pasahero para maiwasan ang ano mang sakuna.

Mahigpit ding iniinspeksyon ng mga tauhan ng coast guard ang mga dokumento ng bawat sasakyang pandagat at kung sumusunod ang mga ito sa safety standards ng Maritime Industry Authority. (JPG/SDR, PIA-Caraga)

Mga lolo’t lola, nagpakitang gilas sa 'Senior Idol' 2019

By Jennifer P. Gaitano

LUNGSOD NG BUTUAN, Oktubre 31 (PIA) -- Nagpakitang gilas ang mga lolo at lola sa lungsod ng Butuan sa taunang Senior Idol 2019 Competition.

Kabilang sa mga ibinida nilang talento ay pagkanta, pagsayaw at sa pagsasadula ng harana, na nagpasaya at nagpakilig sa mga manonood.

Isa si lola Precila Balaquit, 63 taong gulang at residente sa Barangay Holy Redeemer, sa mga lumahok sa singing contest at ipinakita ang kanyang istilo at sariling bersyon ng isang kanta.

Hinikayat din niya ang ibang senior citizens na ibahagi ang kanilang mga talento sa kabila ng kanilang edad.

“Inspirasyon ko ang aking pamilya, ang aking anak at apo. Para sa aking mga kasamang senior citizens, patuloy nating ipakita an gating kakayanan at lumahok sa mga ganitong aktibidad upang Makita ng iba an gating mga talento,” sabi ni Balaquit.
Lubos naman ang tuwa at suportang ibinigay ng mga manonood sa kasama nilang mga senior citizens na lumahok sa ibat-ibang nasabing kompetisyon.

“Andito kami para suportahan ang aming mga kasamang senior citizens sa kompetisyong kanilang sinalihan. Isa na ring itong paraan para kami’y magkita-kita at mag-usap-usap,” pahayag ni Pablita Saga, 73 taong gulang.

“Nagkakasiyahan kami dito at sana magpatuloy pa ang ganitong aktibidad,” sabi ni Lolita Cembrano, 62 taong gulang.

Samantala, kasabay ng kompetisyon ay nagbigay ng bulaklak ang mga batang mag-aaral mula sa ibat-ibang day care centers  sa mga lolo't lola.

Ito'y isang paraan ng mga kabataan para  maiparamdam sa mga lolo at lola ang kanilang  pagmamahal  at pagbibigay halaga sa mga sakripisyo at pagsisikap nila para sa pamilya.

Ang senior idol ay taunang aktibidad na bahagi pa rin ng selebrasyon ng Elderly Filipino Week tuwing buwan ng Oktubre. (JPG/PIA-Caraga)

36 SK chairpersons sa Butuan City ganap ng reservists

By John Charles E. Malazarte

LUNGSOD NG BUTUAN, Oktubre 31 (PIA) - Ganap ng enlisted army reservist ang 36 na Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) chairpersons sa Butuan City matapos grumaduate sa Basic Citizens Military Training sa ilalim ng 15th Regional Community Defense Group, Army Reserve Command kasabay sa isinagawang Three-day 1st SK Butuan City Leadership Development Training sa Barangay Alubihid, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte.

Layunin ng programa na mai-angat ang leadership at organizational skills ng mga kabataan lalo na ng mga SK chairpersons. Isa rin itong paraan para makatulong sila sa problema ng insurgency sa ating bansa at mailayo ang mga kabataan mula sa panlilinlang ng makakaliwang grupo.

“Marami kaming natutunan sa mga lectures, lalu na kung papaano maging mabuting leader at kung ano pa ang pwede naming gawin bilang kabataan na makatutulong sa pag-unlad hindi lang ng aming barangay kundi ng buong bansa,” Josa Mae Obedencia, SK chairperson ng Brgy. Tandang Sora.

Ayon kay Engr. Wen Kok Chiang, SK Federation president ng Butuan City, kabilang ang SK officials sa mga nasa front line sa pagseserbisyo sa mga kabataan kaya nararapat lang na sila ay maging magandang ehemplo at mabuting leader.

“Sa mga kabataan, hindi po tayo dapat magpaloko o magpalinlang sa mga makakaliwang grupo kasi wala namang magandang naidulot yung pakikibaka at mga programa nila. Marami na pong namatay at ayaw po nating dagdagan ang bilang ng mga kabataang Pilipinong namamatay. Meron po tayong military, meron po tayong pangulo na nagmamahal sa atin at handa tayong ipaglaban,” pahayag ni Chiang.

Dagdag pa ni Chiang, ang inisyatibong ito ng lokal na pamahalaan ng Butuan kasama ang 402 Brigade Philippine Army ang kauna-unahan sa buong bansa. Tugon din nila ito sa panawagan ni Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte na labanan ang insurhensiya at bahagi na rin ng Executive Order No. 70 o whole-of-nation approach ng gobyerno.

Binigyang-diin naman ni Brigadier General Maurito Licudine, commander ng 402nd Brigade ang papel ng kabataan sa pag-unlad ng bansa. Umaasa rin ang opisyal na mas marami pang kabataan ang mahikayat na sumali sa mga ganitong training. (JCM/PIA-Caraga)